1. Tealgamemaster streamed Super Mario Galaxy 22. Tealgamemaster streamed Nintendo Land
3. Tealgamemaster streamed Rayman Legends Challenges
4. Jessicayskull streamed Daxter
5. LUIGI'S MANSION VS SPYRO 2 VERSUS - Evittalex Faced Hal Dimond (Evittalex won the versus)
6. Voided Darkness streamed Gex 2
7. PraisedScooter streamed Metroid Prime
8. Voided Darkness streamed Dark Souls
9. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Jak & Daxter The Precursor Legacy
Day 1
2. Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) streamed Super Mario World
3. Ratchet & Clank 2 VS Super Metroid - RC3000 faced Brentitis (RC3000 won the versus)
4. Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) streamed and finished Super Mario World
5. Tealgamemaster streamed & Beat Spyro The Dragon
6. Automatoncreature streamed Starfox 64
7. Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman streamed Super Mario 64
8. Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman streamed Kirby 64
9. Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman streamed The Binding Of Issac
10. Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman streamed Mountain Of Faith
11. Blazefur streamed Uncharted 2
Day 2
13. RC3000 streamed Ratchet & Clank
14. APE ESCAPE VS SUPER MARIO BROS 3 (Keybearer4 vs Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) (Shyguygamer87 won the Versus)
15. NEW SUPER MARIO BROS U VERSUS - Bikdiponabus vs Glem3 (Bikdiponabus won the race)
16. RATCHET & CLANK ALL 4 ONE VS KIRBYS RETURN TO DREAMLAND - Nsoliveira & Tealgamemaster vs Mrgameandpie (MrGameAndPie won the Versus)
17. PraisedScooter streamed Pokemon Showdown
18. Classic Team Streamed & Beat Donkey Kong Country
19. Silent Mystification Streamed Mario Party 2
20. Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman streamed a few games which included (Punch Out, Super Mario World & The Legend Of Zelda A Link To The Past)
21. Hunter Wiles Streamed Kingdom Hearts 2
22. Blazefur streamed Uncharted 2
23. Evildeadfan102 streamed & beat Ratchet & Clank A Quest For Booty
Day 3
24. RC3000 streamed Ratchet & Clank 325. JAK 2 VS SUPER SMASH BRO'S BRAWL (Koolkatgamer VS VoidedDarkness) (Voided Darkness Won the race)
26. Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door VERSUS (Bikdiponabus VS Jayfeatherfan12312) (Ended with nobody winning)
27. Blueblazingdemon streamed Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
28. Wariocamicase streamed Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
29. INFAMOUS VS BANJO KAZOOIE (Pondothemad VS Gamemaster468)
30. Keybearer4 streamed Metropolismania
31. Very Maybe streamed Super Mario Sunshine
32. Pondothemad streamed Sly Cooper Thieves In Time
33. Praisedscooter streamed Sonic Generations
34. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess
35. Blazefur streamed Ratchet Gladiator
36. Praised Scooter streamed Rayman Origins
37. Evildeadfan102 Streamed Sly 2
Day 4
39. Nsoliveira streamed Ratchet & Clank Q Force
40. Hunter wiles Streamed Mother 3
41. VoidedDarkness Streamed Sonic 3D Blast
42. Yoshiller2 streamed Pikmin 3
43. THE BIG DEBATE - PLAYSTATION (KoolKatGamer & TealGameMaster) VS NINTENDO (White Orbison & Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman) (Team Nintendo won 3 points to 2)
44. Blazefur streamed Sly 3
45. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Super Mario Galaxy
46. Evildeadfan102 streamed Little Big Planet 2
Day 5
47. Jessicayskull streamed Kirbys Epic Yarn48. VoidedDarkness streamed Sonic The Fighters
49. VoidedDarkness streamed Sly Cooper Thieves In Time
50. Super Smash Bro's Brawl VS Playstation Allstar Battle Royale - PraisedScooter VS RC3000 (RC3000 won the VERSUS)
51. Cyberman65 did a speed run of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
52. PraisedScooter streamed Warioworld
53. TheHipsterPotamus streamed Garry's Mod (And other games)
54. Koolkatgamer streamed New Super Mario Bros Wii
55. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Pokemon Emerald
56. Nightdawnletsplays streamed Mischief Makers
57. The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time Versus - Nightdawnletsplays VS Superconge (Nightdawnletsplays won the versus)
Day 6- Bonus Day
58. Jessicayskull streamed Pokepark 259. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Build A Bear Workshop
60. Hello Kitty Roller Rescue VERSUS - Evildeadfan102 Vs Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time) (Aquaraine Won the VERSUS)
61. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Super Mario World
62. 4 GAME VERSUS - Spyro The Dragon VS Sly 2 VS Sonic Adventure vs Super Mario World (Automatoncreature VS Evildeadfan102 VS Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time) Vs Jayfeatherfan12312)
63. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Super Mario Bros 3
64. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Code Lyoko: Quest For Infinity
65. 4 GAME VERSUS - Gex 2 Vs Ratchet & Clank A Crack In Time Vs Super Mario 64 Vs Kirbys Epic Yarn (VoidedDarkness vs Nsoliveira Vs Wiredwicky VS Jayfeatherfan12312)
66. Automatoncreature streamed Sly Cooper Thieves In Time
67. Jayfeatherfan12312 streamed Rhythm Heaven Fever
68. Classic Team streamed Klown in Crazy Chase
69. Classic Team streamed Glover
70. Classic Team streamed Croc Legend Of The Gobbos
71. Classic Team streamed Warioland4
72. Classic Team streamed Crash Team Racing
73. Classic Team streamed Mario Kart Wii
74. Koolkatgamer streamed Pikmin 2 (Blind)
75. Classic team streamed Donkey Kong Country
76. Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) streamed Uncharted Drakes Fortune (Blind)
77. 2 Game VERSUS - Super Mario World VS Sly 2 Band Of Thieves - (Nightdawnletsplays Vs Koolkatgamer)
78. Evildeadfan102 streamed Singstar in a Banana Costume to end the event.
Interesting Facts about - 5DayGamers5
2. The charity for this event was Breast Cancer Campaign, we raised £655 for this event. This event still is the most successful event with donations to date.
3. This marked the stream debuts of at least 15 new people which included Jayfeatherfan12312, Blazefur, Pondothemad, Gamemaster468, TheHipsterpotamus and also some big name youtuber's did streams for this event including Bikdiponabus, Yoshiller2, Glem3, Silent Mystification and many others
4. Although we had like 18 new members just about most of them were for only this stream and have left the 5daygamers.
5. Evildeadfan102,Jessicayskull and Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) are officially the only people to have streamed on all 5 events so far.
6. 5Daygamers5 had a points board that in the end made Playstation win.
7. This 5daygamers brought back the pre stream which wasn't in the 4th event.
8. Evildeadfan102 took part in 6 streams on this event, not many compared to usual but there was way more streamers this time around, the winner of who streamed the most for 5daygamers5 was Jayfeatherfan12312 with 13 streams .
9. This event had quizzes that someone on the team they are representing would ask people and they would get points for getting questions correct, 60 questions were given for each team
10. There was around 78 streams on this event.
11. This event has the highest donation in 5daygamers history.
12. This event has the most promo videos made to date with 25 different and awesome promos.
13. This is Nsoliveiras final 5daygamers, it is sad but its true.
14. Nightdawnletsplays got tons of Japanese people to watch this in a big room, he also got a 5daygamers billboard which was awesome.
15. 5daygamers5 was wiredwickys final stream, his final stream was in the 4 person versus.
16. The amount of streamers on this event is 36, and the people who streamed were - Tealgamemaster, Jessicayskull, Evittalex, Hal Dimond, Voided Darkness, Praised Scooter, Jayfeatherfan12312, Evildeadfan102, Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time), Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time), RC3000, Brentitis, Automatoncreature, Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman, Blazefur, Keybearer4, Bikdiponabus, Glem 3, Nsoliveira, Mrgameandpie, Classicteam,Silent mystification, Hunter Wiles, Koolkatgamer, Blueblazingdemon, Wariocamicase, Pondothemad, Gamemaster468, Verymaybe,Lottyangel4eva,Yoshiller2,Cyberman65, TheHipsterpotamus, Nightdawnletsplays,Superconge and Wiredwicky)
17. The amount of games that were beat on this event was - 10
5 thing's This event is known for!
2. This event is known for Playstation VS Nintendo
3. Nightdawnletsplays getting tons of Japanese to watch 5DayGamers in a room
4. People swapping times all the time
5. Points System
1. Blazefur
2. Jayfeatherfan12312
3. PondoTheMad
4. Bikdiponabus
5. Silent Mystification
6. Glem3
7. Blueblazingdemon
8. Classic Team
9. Brentitis
10. Praisedscooter
11. Cyberman65
12. Koolkatgamer
13. Hal Dimond
14. Evittalex
15. Voideddarkness
16. Very Maybe
17. WarioCamicase
18. Yoshiller2
19. Shadowslayer
20. Thehipsterpotamus
1. Nsoliveira (Sadly this was Nsoliveira's final event he appeared at)
2. Nightdawnletsplays
3. Very Maybe
4. Voideddarkness
5. Yoshiller2
6. Glem3
7. Silent Mystification
8. Bikdiponabus
9. Cyberman65
10. Koolkatgamer
11. Praisedscooter
12. Hunter Wiles
- Highest Donation of the event - £79 by Mr Color
- Amount of donations - 72
- Date the event took place - 1st August 2013 to 8th August 2013
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