Sunday, 10 August 2014

5DayGamers Weekly/Monthly streams

January 2013

1. Evildeadfan102 streamed  & beat Ratchet & Clank 2

2. Wiredwicky streamed Vanquish

3. Paptowngaming streamed Dead Pixels

4. Paptowngaming streamed Minecraft

5. Nsoliveira streamed New Super Mario Bros U

6. Hunter Wiles streamed Metroid Fusion (Hunters stream debut)

7. Evildeadfan102 streamed Vexx

8. Mrgameandpie streamed Super Mario Land 2

February 2013

1. Nsoliveira streamed Jak 2 (Jak 2 challenge)

2. Automatoncreature streamed Jak 2 (Jak 2 Challenge) (Also her stream debut)

March 2013

1. RC3000 streamed Golden Sun

2. Automatoncreature Streamed Super Stardust

3. Automatoncreature streamed Infamous

4. Longhairgaming streamed Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 
Interesting Facts about - 5DayGamers Weekly/Monthly streams

1. This lasted 3 months, in between the Christmas stream and 5Daygamers4

2. This marked the last appearance of saveain.

3. During February there was a Jak 2 challenge that starred Nsoliveira & Automatoncreature.

4. Both Automatoncreature & Hunter Wiles made there stream debuts during these weekly/monthly streams.

5. Evildeadfan102 started the Monthly/weekly streams and was the only person during this time to complete their game.


1. Saveain.

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