Sunday 10 August 2014


Day 1

1. Evildeadfan102 Streamed Spyro The Dragon (Jessicayskull finished the game)

2. Jessicayskull streamed Super Mario Bros

3. Nsoliveira Streamed & Beat Crash Bandicoot

4. Evildeadfan102 Streamed Spyro 2

5. Automatoncreature Streamed Skylanders Giants

6. Mrgameandpie streamed & Beat Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic The Hedgehog 3, Sonic CD & Sonic Fighters

7. Automatoncreature streamed Spyro 3 Year Of The Dragon

Day 2

8. Evildeadfan102 streamed and finished Spyro 2

9. Superconge streamed The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

10. Superconge Streamed Sonic Adventure

11. Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman streamed Mario Hack

12. Nsoliveira streamed & Beat Crash 2

13. Nsoliveira streamed & beat Crash 3 warped

14. Evildeadfan102 streamed Spyro A Heroes Tail

15. Evildeadfan102 streamed Jak & daxter The Precusor Legacy

16. Automatoncreature streamed Sly Cooper Thieves In Time

17. Kuramcuntrysongandmegaman streamed a bunch of games

Day 3

18. Pete6777 streamed Sonic Advance 3

19. Lottyangel4eva streamed Super Mario Galaxy

20. Evildeadfan102 streamed Crash Wrath Of Cortex

21. Evildeadfan102 streamed Crash Tag Team racing

22. Jessicayskull streamed The Legend Of Zelda Windwaker

23. Automatoncreature Streamed Sonic Adventure 2

24. Automatoncreature streamed Super Mario Sunshine

Day 4

25. Rc3000 streamed Golden Sun

26. Jessicayskull streamed The Legend Of Spyro A New Beginning

27. Jessicayskull streamed Super Mario Bros

28. jessicayskull streamed Yoshi's Cookie

29. Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) streamed Sonic R

30. Tealgamemaster streamed Super Meat Boy

31. Super Mario 64 VERSUS - Nsoliveira Faced Hunter Wiles (Nsoliveira Won the race)

32. NibomnTheFourth streamed Sonic Heroes (This is NibomnTheFourth's only stream for 5DayGamers)

33. Mrgameandpie streamed and beat (Megaman 4,Megaman 5,Megaman 6 and Megaman 10)

34. Edward Pines Streamed Super Smash Bros Melee

35. Hunter Wiles Streamed Crash 2

Day 5

36. Evildeadfan102 Streamed Malice

37. Nightdawnletsplays streamed Darksiders 2

38. Nightdawnletsplays streamed Sonic Adventure 2

39. Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time) Streamed Billy Hatcher & The Giant Egg

40. Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) streamed Sonic CD

41. Nightdawnletsplays streamed Super Mario 64

42. Nsoliveira streamed & Beat Sonic Generations

43. Nightdawnletsplays streamed Mischief Makers

44. Sonic Unleashed VERSUS Mrgameandpie Faced RC3000 (RC3000 won the race)

45. Alex Cox streamed Caster

46. Automatoncreature streamed Skylander Giants

47. Nightdawnletsplays streamed Super Mario Allstars

Day 6 - Bonus Day

48. Wiredwicky streamed The Legend Of Zelda A Link To The Past

49. TealGameMaster streamed Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix (He was trying to beat his record at speedrunning, but he failed)

50. Nsoliveira streamed Super Paper Mario

51. Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time) streamed Naruto Rise Of A Ninja

52. Keybearer4 streamed FTL

53. Automatoncreature streamed Skylander Giants

54. NightDawnLetsPlays streamed Vigilante 8 2nd Offence

55. NightDawnLetsPlays streamed Seiken Densetsu 3


Interesting Facts about - 5DayGamers4

1. 5DayGamers4 was the 5Daygamers that had the least amount of time to prepare, infact Evildeadfan102 only had 1 week to get the schedule done and this event went better than 5DayGamers3.

2. The charity for this event was Save The Children once again, we raised £301 for this event.

3. This marked Keri Itsuki(Aka Aquaraine at the time), NightDawnLetsPlays & NibomnTheFourth's debut stream's

4. Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time) was the fourth female to stream for 5daygamers and this was the event she began.

5. Evildeadfan102,Jessicayskull and Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) are officially the only people to have streamed on all 4 events so far.

6. This 5daygamers introduced something new into the series, this was versus's. Versus became a huge part of 5DayGamers.

7. This was the first 5DayGamers since the first one to have no pre stream, it did however have a Bonus Day.

8. Evildeadfan102 took part in 8 streams on this event making him the winner this time around, Nightdawnletsplays did 7 streams making him the 2nd in who did the most streams.

9. Superconge made a comeback after missing 5DayGamers3.

10. There was around 60 streams on this event.

11. NibomnTheFourth streamed Sonic Heroes and this was his only stream he ever did for 5DayGamers.

12. Keybearer4 only did one stream on this event and that was on the bonus day, also Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) did only 2 streams due to them having limited internet during the week.

13. Mrgameandpie beat the most games on this event. He beat 9 games.

14. Tealgamemaster attempted to beat his record at Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Mix but sadly he failed.

15. The event was rather slow at first, but it got better when Tealgamemaster joined us and helped out.

16. This was the event known for Evildeadfan102 and Jessicayskull having extra laggy streams.

17. The amount of streamers on this event is 19, and the people who streamed were - Evildeadfan102, Jessicayskull, Nsoliveira, Automatoncreature, Mrgameandpie, Superconge, Kuramacuntrysongandmegaman, Pete6777, Lottyangel4eva, RC3000, Tealgamemaster, Hunter Wiles, Edward Pines, Nightdawnletsplays, Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time), Alex Cox, wiredwicky, Lavender Possum (Aka Shyguygamer87 at the time) and Keybearer4.

18. The amount of games that were beat on this event was - 16

5 thing's This event is known for!

1. Been the unknown 5daygamers

2. Introducing Versus into 5DayGamers

3. Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time) debut

4. Nightdawnletsplays Debut

5. Tealgamemaster attempting to beat his Kingdom Hearts 1.5 remix score


1. Keri Itsuki (Aka Aquaraine at the time)

2. Nightdawnletsplays

3. NibomnTheFourth

4. Cookiez


1. Paptowngaming

2.  Edward Pines

  • Highest Donation of the event - £40 by Anonymous
  • Amount of donations - 34
  • Date the event took place - 29th March 2013 to 3rd April 2013

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